Welcome to our first blog post! We are super excited to give you a behind the scenes look at what we are up to! We’ll share our inspirations, exciting projects, and favourite events we have worked on. To help celebrate the Christmas season, we thought we would share with you a shoot we recently worked on!
In the next few weeks family and friends-be it miles apart, will come together to reminisce about the year, share in a delicious meal, and gather around the toasty fire with a cup of good cheer. As we were chatting over a cup of hot chocolate about our favourite Christmas memories and traditions, we thought how amazing would it be to recreate a dinner party that would capture exactly all those classic elements that we know and love, but with a modern twist!
Surrounded by precious keepsakes that have been passed on like mix and match dishware and beautiful goldware, to soft greenery, traditional festive fruit, and our favourite Christmas treats- we are taken to a simpler place where the magic of Christmas lives on.
We were fortunate enough to work with some of the best vendors around Quebec to bring you inspiration for the holidays!
Here are a few of our favourite photos from the shoot. Let us know how you decorate for holidays in our comment section below!
Enjoy, xo
L & J
Photography: Valérie Busque (www.facebook.com/valeriebusquephotographe)
Styling and Design Concept: Hôte Événements (www.hoteevenements.com) & La vie est une Fête (www.facebook.com/lavieestunefete.ca)
Dishware: La vie est une fête (www.facebook.com/lavieestunefete.ca)
Floral Design: Élysée Fleurs (www.elyseefleurs.com)
Sweet Table: La Folle Tablée (www.facebook.com/lafolletablee)
Stationary and Gift Wrap: Mimosa Design (www.facebook.com/mimosadesign.ca)
Cocktail: Monsieur Cocktail (www.monsieur-cocktail.com)
Venue: Monasteres des Augustines (www.monastere.ca)